The story of 'HBCU Night' started off as a novel covering the journey of a young ambitious, and brilliant girl named, Imani, who is curious about what a HBCU is. She explores the greatest night of all time learning about the history of HBCU's and pioneers of HBCU's in a joyful, and exciting experience.
After completing the children's book, HBCU Night, I realized the story of 'HBCU Night' needed to continue. I went back to my laptop and started to think of different parts of the HBCU culture (in conjunction with segments of "HBCU Nights") that needed to be depicted. That is when the idea/story of 'HALFTIME' (and many more nights to come) came to mind. So, I decided it was time to take that exciting step into making 'HBCU Night' into a legendary series!
Join me on this next story of 'HALFTIME' (the 2nd book of the 'HBCU Night' series) as a young and curious mind, "Talib," wants to learn more about the Divine 9 and their rooted connection to HBCU's. This night is another one of the greatest nights ever with a Divine 9 Halftime Performance and education!
Submit your email to receive the alert for this order rollout! I hope this series brings you and your family all of the joyful education and laughter you all deserve! You can also visit the HBCU Night Series Read-Aloud/Divine 9 Performance/HBCU Trivia Program we host with the Department of Education by emailing
-Andres "Dre" Martin
Founder/Executive Director, HBCU Night
#. 1 Bestselling Author, HBCU Night